Abstracts of the fifth spanish meeting on game theory and applications

Bilbao Arrerse, Jesús Mario
Fernández García, Ramón

The number of Spanish game theorists has increased considerably in recent years. In 1994 it was decided to hold a Spanish Meeting on Game Theory every two years. The meetings in Bilbao (1994), Santiago de Compostela (1996) Barcelona (1998) and Valencia (2000), were a great success, wit more than 100 presentations in each of them. This shows the good health of the many Spanish reseatch groups in Game Theory and their growing international links. The "Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications" will take place in Seville on July 1-3, 2002. The 5th SMGT continues the series of the alternate Italian and Spanish conferences on Game Theroy.
The conclusion of the Conference of Representatives of the Governments of the Member States opens the way for the enlargement of the European Union. With ratification of the Treaty of Nice, the European Union would complete the necessary institutional changes for the accession of new Member States. During the 5th SMGT the workshop "European voting Games" devoted to European Union decision-marking, will take place.

Especificaciones técnicas

Edición impresa

ISBN: 978-84-472-0733-6

Referencia: 250059

Año de Publicación: 2002

Páginas: 232

Formato: 17 x 24 cm

Encuadernación: Rústica

Colección: ACTAS

Nº: 59


Edición impresa


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