(Wp2.7) Practical toolkit on organization and management of iros


Palabras clave

Globalization process; institutional strategies; International Relations Offices (IROs); UNICAC Project; impact of an emergency; impact of Covid-19 on the institutions' development; Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

In the current globalization process, the competence of institutional strategies is fundamental to achieving an efficient internationalization process. In this regard, the International Relations Offices (IROs) of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) may play a significant role in their own institutions' development. This manual (practical toolkit) has been drafted in the framework of the UNICAC project "University Cooperation Framework of Knowledge Transfer in Central Asia and China" implemented between January 2018 and October 2022. Funded by the European Commission through the KA2 - Capacity Building for Higher Education action of the Erasmus+ programme, the UNICAC project aims to increase the potentials for international and cross- regional cooperation of HEIs in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China trough a set of capacity building activities for International Relations Offices (IROs), thus contributing to better international networking, enhancement and better exploitation of their potentials for cooperation in Teaching, Learning and Research (T/L/R).



Asián Chaves, Rosario (dir.) y Maurizio Cisi (coord.) (2022): WP2_Human Capacity Building. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla (Colección Textos institucionales, n.º 110).


Especificaciones técnicas

Edición digital

eISBN: 978-84-472-2406-7

Referencia: 680110

Año de Publicación: 2022

Páginas: 150

Formato: PDF

Tamaño: 1730


Nº: 110

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