Número 48 - 2017


Mértola between the Late Bronce Age and the beginning of the roman presence: problems and perspectives of investigation
Pedro Albuquerque, Francisco José García Fernández, Pp. 7-30

About the place name Contrebia Levcade
Carlos Jordán Cólera, Pp. 31-48

The place name Sabe Gemella: note to Ravenn. 315,19
José A. Correa, Pp. 49-55

The cognomen Tempestivvs
Ignacio Simón Cornago, Pp. 57-64

The random designation of magistrates and its relationship to democracy
Laura Sancho Rocher, Pp. 65-84

The Victoria / Valetvdo of the Valerii on some republican coins
Luigi Pedroni, Pp. 85-102

Aqvae Tarbellicae or Aqvae Sextiae in an inscription in the vicinity of Astigi
Michel Christol, Pp. 103-112

The basilica of the forum of The Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza)
Luis Romero Novella, Pp. 113-131

The role played by the proconsuls of Baetica as intermediaries between the imperial power and local communities in the Early Principate
Rubén Olmo López, Pp. 133-149

New inscriptions from Clvnia in Peñalba de Castro (Burgos)
Javier del Hoyo, Mariano Rodríguez Ceballos, Pp. 151-159

Agripina always stayed in Moura: aPproaching the conclusive ending to CIL II 963
Joan Carbonell Manils, Helena Gimeno Pascual, Pp. 161-169

Corrections and new interpretations about seven votive inscriptions from Lusitania
Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño, Pp. 171-185

Fabvla Nvlla Fvit. Annotations to a carmen Latinvm epigraphicvm, probably found in Gades
Ricardo Hernández Pérez, Pp. 187-204

The new roman inscription at Los Torrejones (Yecla, Murcia, Hispania Citerior) and some considerations on its archaeological and territorial context
Juan Manuel Abascal, José Miguel Noguera, Liborio Ruiz, Pp. 205-218

Verbo-nominal collocations with συμβούλιον in the New Testament: an exemple of calque and linguistic interference
M.ª Dolores Jiménez López, Pp. 219-239

Lenguaje colorido en de Raptv Proserpinae de Claudiano
Clare Coombe, Pp. 241-260

The knowledge of hieroglyphics in the Classical period (integrations to P. Marestaing, Les écritures égyptiennes et l'antiquité classique, after a century from the edition)
Nikola D. Bellucci, Pp. 261-289

Recent visigothic coin findings. Gold and bronze in the north of Cáceres
David Martínez Chico, Alberto González García, Pp. 291-315

Selected excerpts from Ovid in the Versvs Sententiosi by Bartholomeus Schönborn: the term amor
M.ª Elena Curbelo Tavío, Pp. 317-333