Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic


Palabras clave

Were Roman women considered citizens during the Republic?; How did female citizenship differ from male citizenship in ancient Rome?; What were the origins of the first Roman female citizens?; How visible were Latin women in the context of Roman citizenship?; What was the transition like for a woman moving from slavery to citizenship?; Were Roman women part of the populus?; What role did dowries play in female citizenship?; Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

Cómo citar este título

Cristina Rosillo-López y Silvia Lacorte (eds.) (2024): Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic. Zaragoza/Sevilla: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza/Editorial Universidad de Sevilla (Colección Libera Res Publica, n.º 12).

This book goes beyond simplistic considerations, still occasionally found in popular and academic books, which merely state that, in Rome, men were citizens and women were not or, at best, were second-class citizens. Roman women were citizens and their civic roles and public presence are essential for gaining a better understanding of the Roman Republic. This monograph offers nineteen studies on Roman citizen women during this period, their roles in the public sphere and their place in the community and the res publica to which they belonged. It includes a variety of perspectives, discourses and nuances regarding the question of how women acted as citizens, in order to work towards a historical discourse that places men and women on an equal footing, considering the latter as historical actors as relevant as the former, and which incorporates gender issues into the narrative.



Cristina Rosillo-López y Silvia Lacorte (eds.) (2024): Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic. Zaragoza/Sevilla: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza/Editorial Universidad de Sevilla (Colección Libera Res Publica, n.º 12).

Especificaciones técnicas

Edición digital

eISBN: 978-84-472-2557-6

Referencia: 900012

Año de Publicación: 2024

Páginas: 506

Formato: PDF

Tamaño: 12118


Nº: 12

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