Voluntas Militum: Community, Collective Action, and Popular Power in the Armies of the Middle Republic (300-100 BCE)



What does the present study argue?; What was the role of the military forces of the Middle Republic in the Mediterranean world?; How are the military forces of the Middle Republic described?; What kind of connections did the soldiers in the armies of this period develop?; Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

Cómo citar este título

Dominic, M. Machado, (2023): Voluntas Militum: Community, Collective Action, and Popular Power in the Armies of the Middle Republic (300-100 BCE). Zaragoza/Sevilla: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza/Editorial Universidad de Sevilla (Colección Libera Res Publica, n.º 9).

The present study argues that the military forces of the Middle Republic were not simply cogs in the Roman military machine, but rather dynamic and diverse social units that played a key role in shaping an ever-changing Mediterranean world. Indeed, the soldiers in the armies of this period not only developed connections with one another, but also formed bonds with non-military personnel who traveled with as well as inhabitants of the places where they campaigned.


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Especificaciones técnicas

Print edition

ISBN: 978-84-472-2496-8

Id: 900009

Publish Year: 2023

Pages: 346

Format: 16 x 23

Binding: Rústica


Nº: 9

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