Epsom Well



Epsom Well: Thomas Shadwell; London citizenry; scholarship; comedy; Restoration theatre; Jonsonian tradition of humours; Literatura; Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.


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Edición digital de la primera edición impresa en 2000.

Thomas Shadwell's Epsom Wells (1672) is an amusing portrayal of licentiousness and intrigue among the London citizenry and gentry who frequented the fashionable spa at Epsom, Surrey. This new critical edition, the first since the 1930s, is fully annotated to enable today's reader to enjoy and understand the text to the full. Making use of the most recent scholarship, tge editors put the play in its social and cultural contexts. They cite contemporary accounts of the purgative and supposed procreative powers of Epsom waters -an ideal source for comedy. They also discuss Shadwell within the context of the Restoration theatre by examining his use of wit and repartee, and how he allied himself with the new comedy of manners rejecting the Jonsonian tradition of humours.

Especificaciones técnicas

Print edition

ISBN: 978-84-472-0590-5

Id: 480044

Publish Year: 2000

Pages: 182

Format: 15 x 21 cm

Binding: Rústica

Collection: LITERATURA

Nº: 44

Digital edition

eISBN: 978-84-472-1736-6

Id: 480044

Publish Year: 2015

Pages: 244

Format: PDF

Size: 32889

Collection: LITERATURA

Nº: 44

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